October is here, and with it comes Energy Awareness Month! As costs continue to rise, being aware of your energy use is more important than ever. This month, take the time to reflect on your at-home energy consumption and consider ten simple steps to lower your energy bills.

  1. Unplug electronics that are not in use. This can lower your energy usage, decrease risk of electrical fire, and extend the life of your appliances.
  2. Remember to turn off lights when you leave the room. When possible, use natural light instead of flipping the switch. Dust your light bulbs and fixtures regularly. Dirt absorbs light and makes it seem dimmer.
  3. Set your thermostat lower in the winter, and higher in the summer. Take it a step further and adjust it a little more before you leave the house or go to sleep. You can save about 1% on your energy bill for every degree Fahrenheit you turn your thermostat down.
  4. Maintain your appliances and HVAC systems. Replace air filters monthly, or as recommended. Consider investing in energy-efficient appliances when you need to make replacements. You may be eligible for tax credits, rebates, and other incentives for making clean energy upgrades.
  5. Check the seal on your fridge door and replace if it’s not tight. If there are any gaps or cracks, it’ll take more power to maintain a cool temperature.
  6. Use weather-stripping, caulk, or plastic film to seal air leaks in windows or doors. The U.S. Department of Energy has tips for detecting air leaks in your home.
  7. Check your attic for sufficient ceiling and roof insulation. In Greater Cincinnati, it’s recommended that attics have an R-Value of 49.
  8. Wash your clothes in cold water whenever possible, and only run the washer with full loads.
  9. In the winter, open south-facing curtains during the day to allow natural light to heat your home.
  10. Set your ceiling fan to rotate clockwise in the winter, and counterclockwise in the summer. Turn it off when you leave the room.

By adopting a few new habits – whether you’re unplugging electronics, replacing air filters, or investing in energy-efficient appliances – you can lower your energy bills and contribute to a healthier environment for all.