Free One-on-One Housing Counseling and Coaching
Working In Neighborhood’s HUD-certified housing counselors provide free counseling on:
- Rental
- Pre-purchase
- Post-ownership
- Mortgage delinquency and foreclosure avoidance
- Credit repair and debt management
- Budgeting
To start the intake process, you will need to complete an intake packet and provide requested documentation. You can fill out the form below to have an intake packet sent to you, or download the Home Owner Intake Form or Non Home Owner Intake Form to print yourself. Completed forms can be emailed to WIN’s Intake Specialist Hope Sheffield-Mahalick at or mailed to:
ATTN: Hope Sheffield-Mahalick
1814 Dreman Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45223
For more information about WIN’s financial and homeownership counseling, please call (513) 541-4109.

WIN has been honored as Nonprofit of the Year for Personal Financial Counseling for the second consecutive year, reflecting the hard work and dedication of our HUD-certified housing counselors.
“I don’t think I would have gotten far without Jeff (his WIN counselor). He held me accountable. Without him, I might have backed out… My experience will allow my kids to understand how homeownership works. It provides so many long-term opportunities.”
Devoe Sherman
Housing Counseling Participant