Fellowship for Equitable Development: Transforming the Beekman Corridor

Greg Robinson II, a Fellow at Working In Neighborhoods (WIN), is leading a project to promote equitable development in the Beekman Street Corridor. Funded by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, this initiative focuses on the redevelopment of vacant industrial and commercial properties and fostering entrepreneurship in the neighborhood. Robinson, a master’s student in Community Planning

Beekman Community Market Hosts Entrepreneurship Enrichment Workshop

On April 4th, the Beekman Community Market hosted an Entrepreneurship Enrichment Workshop with Greater Cincinnati Microenterprise Initiative (GCMI) in Working In Neighborhoods (WIN) Community Room. Representatives from GCMI taught a group of 10 about the entrepreneurial mindset, problem solving, and marketing a business. In 1998, Community Action Agency and United Way collaborated to create GCMI

Looking Back on 2023

Thanks to your support, a lot was accomplished in 2023. We completed construction on and sold our 20th home in College Hill to a first-time homebuyer. New housing development opportunities are in the works, including a new rehab in South Cumminsville and WIN’s Near Net Zero Urban Village. Volunteers have been hard at work preparing

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